My Property and I
Property Owner in Langebaan
As a Property Owner in Langebaan, it is important to know what you are allowed to do with your investment. Zoning Schemes regulate your rights, from Vacant land, Residential or Commercial Property. We help you to calculate your rates and taxes, provide more detail regarding your property responsibilities and provide guidelines for using your dwelling for rental accommodation.
My property and I
Property Owner in Langebaan - Guidelines
As a Property Owner in Langebaan, it is important to know what you are allowed to do with your investment. Zoning Schemes regulate your rights, from Vacant land, Residential or Commercial Property. We help you to calculate your rates and taxes, provide more detail regarding your property responsibilities and provide guidelines for using your dwelling for rental accommodation.
Rates & Taxes
How to calculate your Rates and taxes and more info on the Municipal valuation of your property in Langebaan
Zoning Scheme Regulations
What are your property rights? What are allowed ?
Building guidelines in Langebaan
Property Responsibility
What are your responsibilities towards your property in Langebaan
Vacant Land
Holding cost of vacant land
Time frames
Business/ Commercial Properties
Info on Business Zoning
Building Requirements
Rentals or Holiday Accommodation premises
Municipal Regulations for property rentals or accommodation, you should know
Rates & Taxes
Every 4 years a Valuation Roll is done independently, for the Municipality, to determine value of all properties in the municipal boundaries.(Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004). Based on this R value, the annual Municipal Budget, will determine the factor used to calculate all rates and taxes payable by property owners, to the Municipality.
For the 2024/2025 Municipal financial year(July to June 2025), the factors will be : (Primary use)
- Residential properties and Sectional Title – 0,6638
- Vacant land – Residential Property – 0.8507
- Developed Commercial Property – 1.3277
- Agricultural (Primary used) properties 0.06638
How to calculate your Rates and Taxes
Take the value of the property minus R50 000 X factor , divide by 100 equals annual amount. Divide by 12 to get monthly amount. Example:
- Value on Valuation Roll : R 2 100 000 minus R50 000 = R2 050 000
- Factor : Residential property( 0,6638) X R 2 050 000 divide by 100= R13 607 ,90
- Monthly : Divide by 12 – R13 840,23 /12 = R1133,99
Most Frequently Asked Questions by Property Owners in Langebaan
My Property and I - property Owners in Langebaan
The Municipal Valuation of your property appears on your Municipal account, or you can enquire at the Langebaan Municipal Offices, but if you want to compare it to your neighbours, you can view the Valuation Roll at the Public Library.
The present Valuation Roll will be affected till June 2026. The municipal value of your property will stay the same till 2026, but your factor will change every year, depending on the Municipal Budget.
Any improvements to your property affects the market value. When new building plans are approved for renovations or upgrades, a new value will be determined and added to existing valuation till next Valuation Roll is done.
The values of all properties within the Municipality, are done by a Professional independent Valuer, appointed by tender for 5 years. The value must be market related and all recent sales of residential properties similar in size and close by, are used as a comparative basis, to determine Municipal Rand Value. For any objections, an appeal process is available.
Zoning Scheme Regulations
Each property is subject to the Municipal Zoning Scheme Regulations that determines what you can do on your property. It indicates the primary use for the property and also identify what other consent uses can be given,by the Mun icipality, for additional rights on the land. Each owner should know his or her rights and a short summary, is provided, of the main zones in Langebaan.
Single Residential Zone 1
Primary Use
- Single Residential Property (private dwellings in residential areas)
Consent Use:
- Additional dwelling unit ( Granny Flat or outer building)
- Tourism Accommodation
- Daycare Facility
- House shop
- Place of Assembly, -Education, – Worship
Restrictions: (Most of Residential Properties in Langebaan)
- Height 8 meters
- Minimum size of dwelling 120m²
- Building Lines : Street -average 3 meters, Side lines with property width dwelling larger than 250 m²- 3 meters, Rear building lines are 3 meters
- Coverage : erf smaller than 250 m² is 60% , 250 – 500 m² (60%),500- 750 (50%) and 750 – 1500 (40%)
Residential Zone 11
Primary Use:
- Group Housing ( Developments like Calypso Beach, Laguna Sands , etc )
- Town housing (Developments like Sea Haven, Lbn Villas, Gerimed, etc)
- Semi- detached dwellings
Consent Use:
- Retirement Village
- Tourism Accommodation
- Occupational Practice
Restrictions: (General conditions)
- Height : 8 meters maximum
- Building Lines: Street building line – 3m, Side building line – 1 meter internal, Rear building line – 2 meter internal boundary
- Coverage: 60% of unit size
- parking: 2 spaces per unit
- Density : Group housing (30 units per ha), Town housing ( 50 units per ha)
- Must have : Homeowners Association, Site Development Plan and Approved Architectural Guidelines by Municipality
- Open spaces: 80 m² per dwelling
- Developments not bigger than 2ha
Residential Zone 111
Primary use:
- Flats
- Dwelling Houses (Calypso Beach- beach front, close to Club Mykonos)
- Group housing
Consent Use:
- Retirement Village (example Gerimed)
- Utility Services
- Occupational Services
- Provide mixed use for residential and business (example Madriko Complex), multiple storeys, high density, around active streets and commercial developments
- Heights : 13,5 m
- Building Lines : Street -5 m, Side and Rear building line – 4,5 m (Ground & 1 storey building), Second and higher – 6m
- Coverage 60%
- Parking : 1 bedroom -1 per unit, Two bedroom – 1,25 per unit, Three bedroom 1,5 per unit, Four bedroom 1,75 per unit
- Open Space – 10% of land
- Need Site plan and Architectural Guidelines
Residential Zone 1V - Low Cost Housing (RDP)
Residential Zone V
Primary Use:
- Guest Lodge
Consent Use:
- Hotel
- Restaurant
- Tourism facility
- Wellness Centre
- Zoning for establishments larger than average tourism accommodation that provides lodging and meals on the premises
- Height: max 8 meters , Hotels 11 meters
- Building Lines : Street – 5 meters, Side and Rear building lines of 4,5 m
- Coverage: 75%
- Open space : 10%
- Parking: 1 bay per unit and 4 for staff
- No more than 20 rooms allowed
- Need to provide Refuse Room
- No alcoholic beverages sold except to resident guests