Langebaan Neighbourhoods

Love Leentjiesklip
in Langebaan
as a Neighbourhood

Leentjiesklip in Langebaan as a neighbourhood is located in the Municipal  Caravan Park and consist of 115 plett homes. Explore the pros and cons of living here. 

- Leentjiesklip in Langebaan -
For an all year holiday feeling

 I Iliving Permanent in Leentjiesklip in Langebaan

Leentjiesklip in Langebaan - Pros and Cons of staying here....

Leentjiesklip in Langebaan -The biggest advantage of this cosy neighbourhood , is its location so close to the beach, free security as part of the Caravan Park and no rates and taxes are payable. 

The reason for this- as the biggest negative, is that the property land on which the houses are situated, is never yours. It belongs to the Municipality and you lease it from Council. Therefore, the property can only be bought cash (no bond) and the risk is that the lease agreement can be cancelled and then all the structures must be removed by owners. 

  • The footprint is restricted. (90 m²) 
  •  Any renovation and extensions are subject to Council approval.
  •  No Homeowners Association, 
  •  No levy fees.
  • Do have a Chalet/Plett Owners Association, that manages affairs. 
  •  No particular  architectural style – plett homes
  •  Fully service with all Municipal  services. 
  • Rental fees (2023/24) are around R1200 per month.
  •  Highest unit price sold was R1,8 million.

These Plett homes may occupy maximum of 6 people. No tents are allowed for additional accommodation. Parking is limited. No holiday rentals are allowed and owners and guests may not use the Park’s ablution facilities. Guests of homeowners will be charged daily visitors fees and garages are available to rent from the Municipality, for additional storage.

For many years the owners had tried to purchase the Park from the Municipality, but negotiations have been unsuccessful. So,although strict rules and regulations are applicable, this is still the cheapest option to buy property in Langebaan, so close to the beach.

If you like to be surrounded by visitors in their caravans and into the holiday vibe- this could be the place for you! 

 I Istairs to the Beach at Leentjiesklip in Langebaan
 I Iso Close to Beach in Leentjiesklip in Langebaan
At the lagoon with great beach, Leentjiesklip in Langebaan
 I Istep Down to the Beach, Meters Away at Leentjiesklip, Langebaan
 I Isecurity Entrance to Leentjiesklip Caravan Park in Langebaan
 I Ientrance to This Popular Caravan Park, Leentjiesklip in Langebaan
 I Iview of the Beach in Front of Leentjiesklip Caravan Park. Great Swimming Conditions at Leentjiesklip in Langebaan
 I Iwatersports, Even Surfing at Leentjiesklip in Langebaan
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