Municipal services in Langebaan to residents

Reliable Municipal Services, you will Love

What Municipal Services in Langebaan, can I expect ?

The Saldanha Bay Municipality renders primary and secondary Municipal Services in Langebaan to all residents, visitors and businesses, through consumption of these services.  The primary services responsibility of the Municipality are water supply, electricity, refuse and sewerage removal. 

 I I
 I Imunicipal Officials Are Fixing Potholes
 I Imunicipal Workers Are Cleaning Open Spaces
 I Imunicipal Workers Fixing Streets with New Tare

Primary Municipal Services in Langebaan:

Water Supply

The most basic human need is the consumption of water. The liability is mandated through the Constitution of South Africa, to provide the reliable and availability of drinkable water to all its residents. This is done through a pipe network, provided to every household. Langebaan gets its water from the Voelvlei dam near Paarl. It gets pumped, and cleaned at the Withoogte Distribution Centre, near Moorreesburg. 

The Municipality buys bulk water from the District Municipality and store it in 3 reservoirs. The one located in Saailand supply Mid Town and Myburgh Park. Another one  in Sunbird Drive, provides water to the Country Club and Country Estate and the one at Olifantskop, to Mykonos and surrounding areas. The water is tested on a regular basis to make sure it meets standards of consumption. As a consumer, you pay for consumption, based on an annual tariff per unit, but will also pay a basic fee for availability, to make sure that holiday homes also contribute to maintenance costs.


Use Water Resourceful

Important to note that Saldanha Bay Municipality is positioned right at the end of the Water Supply network in the Western Cape and therefore  is water restricted area and very vulnerable to water availability. In 2019, with the Drought, Saldanha Bay came very close to Day Zero and end up with less than 24 hours of water supply and to prevent such a situation again, water should always be used and managed scarce fully. 

Consumers are priced at 1-5, depends on the water restriction level. Water availability fee is R115.20 (excl VAT-2024/25) for every dwelling and then priced  at different categories on different levels. Categories are 0-6kl, 7-20 kl, 21-30 kl, etc. The more you use, the more you will pay per kilolitre. Smart water meters are installed to every household and tampering with meters  are a criminal offence.

 Reconnections will cost R270.00 (excl VAT)

 I Idrinkable Water to Households is One of the Basic Municipal Services in Langebaan.
 I Ithe Quality of Water for Human Consumption is Responsibility of a Municipality

Electricity Supply

Electricity is provided via ESKOM to residents. Unfortunately, all the areas north of The Cove Development, including Long Acres, are directly supplied by only ESKOM and communication regarding all electricity matters need to go via ESKOM Call Centre. Lots of patience is required, dealing with them.


  • 08 600 37566 or
  • download MY ESKOM APP
  • mail:

When phoning ESKOM Call Centre, remember to have the following info available:

  • account number (REMEMBER to get a Reference Number)
  • meter number & pole number
  • address details & contact details

Very few conventional electricity meters are still in place, as most are pre paid. Electricity can also be purchases from the most supermarkets.All accounts are payable by the 15th of each month. Cutting will be done from the 20th of each month.

Service charges depends on consumption size and varies from 20 & 30 Ampere or 40, 60, 80 Ampere Single Phase or 20, 40, 80 Ampere Three  Phase. Commercial and industrial have different tariffs.

Southern side of town: Report defects or dead street lights to Langebaan Municipality at 022- 707 5000. Tampering with electricity boxes or illegal connections are a criminal offence.

 I Ian Electrician Works on an Electrical Board. Electricity Supply is a Municipal Responsibility
 I Ilights Are on and Show Availability of Electricity at a Business

Refuse Removal

 Another basic Municipal service is the removal of household refuse on a weekly basis. Langebaan collection day is WEDNESDAYS.  Homeowners are responsible to make sure that wheelie bins are accessible and should be place on the curb. No building rubble may be placed in bins and the cleaning of bins is the owners responsibility. Even if service is not used, the monthly fee 2024/25 of R257.70 (excl VAT) is payable.  Vacant erven will  pay  an availability fee of R96.10 (excl VAT) per month. Each household is entitled to one bin and replacement of damaged bins can be requested at 022-707 5000. 

The waste site at Langebaan is only a transfer station as old dumping site has been rehabilitated. Any excess  waste, like building material, or massive clean ups, have to be transported at own cost to transfer station. Illegal dumping is a criminal offence. Up to 1,5 ton per vehicle , of  free waste per day allowed.


Go Green! Re-cycle in Langebaan

To provide a healthier and greener environment to its residents, Langebaan does recycling by a private vendor, on the same day. Put all your recycled waste in clear bags, next to the bin. Bags will be provided for free and extra bags are available at  Municipal Offices.  Of all the residents in Langebaan, 45 % recycle weekly and contribute that the Municipality is the second best in SA, in terms of recycling. Please save our environment, show  you care and recycle!

 Special provision is made for e-waste, like computers and all electronic devices, that can be delivered at depot. For additional waste rent a skip, various sizes from different private companies and report illegal dumping to Law Enforcement at 022- 701 6912. 

 I Itwo Municipal Workers Empty a Waste Bin into the Back of a Waste Truck. Every Wednesday All Household Waste is Collected by the Municipality
 I Iillegal Dumping on Open Space Close to the Sea. This is a Criminal Offence

Sewerage Removal

Langebaan is connected with an underground pipe network to remove all sewerage to the sewerage treatment plant. The water gets treated and the grey water are being  reused  for cooling , irrigation  or placed in retention dams.

 It is only Long Acres, that have septic tanks that need to be pumped by the Municipality. For Residential smallholdings, the monthly charge is R390 (2024/25) for maximum of 4 pumpings per month.

For vacant residential property  an availability fee is paid monthly, depending on size of land. Prices monthly (excl VAT) in 2024/25 are:

  • up to 250 m²  – R 104.00
  • 251 – 500 m²  –  R 161.00
  • 501 -1000 m² – R 302.00
  •  bigger than 1000 m² – R 386.00

Fees for Residential homes , also depends on size of the erven. For 2024/25 the monthly fees (excl VAT) are:

  • up to 250 m² – R 154.00
  • 251 – 500 m² – R 241.00
  • 501 – 1000 m² – R 451.00
  • bigger than 1000 m² – R575.00

Different rates are applicable to Commercial , Institutional, Schools and Wet Industries.

Block drains  open mechanical, will cost from R1153.00. Drains opened with high pressure will cost from R2497.00.  Municipality will NOT do maintenance work to internal sewerage networks within developments. 

 I Isewerage Running in Underground Pipe. Sewerage Pipelines Connect Households to Sewerage Plant
 I Isewerage Water Being Cleaned at Treatment Plant to Be Reused As Grey Water
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