Langebaan community charity projects

Donate to Charity in Langebaan.

Charity in Langebaan – We all have the desire to declutter our living space or sometimes just want to change things. The saying goes “… Out with the old and in with the new…”. So what do you do with the things that you do not need? Why not donate it to a Charity in Langebaan that helps Community Projects, where they can sell it off to generate funds. You not only contribute to make life easier for those in need, support a needy cause, but also provide second time LOVE to the things that were dear to you. 

 I Idonate to a Charity in Langebaan

Show that you Care! Donate to a Charity in Langebaan

 I Ilangebaan Animal Care- a Charity in Langebaan

Langebaan Animal Care

This Charity in Langebaan focus on  preventing the neglect and abuse of domestic pets. Educate the public on animal care and have a shelter for lost or abandoned pets.

They have weekly community clinics and find new homes for pets. Their shop is located at Swemmer Park. 

St Helena Sandveld Hospice

Maybe the wardrobe needs a change, or clothes just take to much space, or just not fit anymore- why not donate to this Charity in Langebaan, to be sold off. This project focus on selling clothes to generate funds for home based palliative care. The shop is located in Antonio Sieni Street, next to OK supermarket.

Contact: 022 – 713 3738


 I Ist Helena Hospice- a Charity in Langebaan
 I Ijumpstart Community Centre - a Charity in Langebaan

Jumpstart Community Centre

Based at the Beacon Church, this project focus on addressing the social-economic needs of the poor and vulnerable .

Contact : 022- 7721902



Parents Lobbying for Active Youth (P.L.A.Y.) has a monthly craft market where stalls rent is used to do community projects, of which  assisting the skateboard park is example.

you can join as a volunteer. 

Contact: 082 9355 497


 I Ip.l.a.y. - a Charity in Langebaan
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